Your customer support reps were awesome! Thank you so much, you were so much help!
— S. Niules - Arbor Apartments
Privacy Policy
OnSite Property Manager™ does not sell or share your information
It is your information. Even our own Customer Support staff does not automatically have access to your information. If you require a Customer Support representative to view your account in order to assist you, you will be asked to give them temporary access to your information by adding them as a "user" on your account.
OnSite Property Manager™ does not allow anyone other that those users you have designated to have access to your information, with the exception of the public data that you elect to share when automatically posting your vacancies.
Vacancies can be shared on 3rd party rental listing websites that pick up OnSite's data feeds for that specific purpose (see Advertising Vacancies in the User Guide for more information on the specific data shared).
Your information is yours alone, except in the event our system is used for illicit or unlawful purposes such as advertising units you do not own or manage. In the event of fraudulent use, information may be shared with local and federal law enforcement upon their request.
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